Business Analytics with Excel

Kushagra Sharma
1 min readJun 14, 2022


What is Analytics?

  • It is the process to examine raw data to extract Logical and meaningful data.
  • It gives insights to the organization, enabling them to make better decisions.

People who can apply Analytics are known as Data scientists.

and to manage and analyze data, he must understand-

  • Data Cleaning.
  • Data Preparation.
  • Data Visualization.

Types of Analytics

  • Descriptive — Explains what was happened
  • Diagnostic — States why it happens.
  • Predictive — Depicts what could happen.
  • Prescriptive —Tells what should happen.

Areas of Analytics

  • Customer Analytics — It plays a pivotal role in predicting customer behavior.
  • Financial Analytics — Forecast future financial statements and helps to bring great value to the organization.
  • Performance Analytics — It is the use of data and technology to study how the business is performing to continuously make it better.
  • Risk Analytics — It tries to receive the uncertainty of the future and helps to evaluate project success and failure.



Kushagra Sharma

I am Data Scientist and I turn borrring info into total Awesomeness